Dean and Dudley, who have released more than 80 albums and garnered well over a billion song streams and downloads in their illustrious decades-long career, create intentional, peaceful music. Songs that honor nature, considering their native Earth more maternal figure than “shopping cart.”

Monet's Garden cover

1.  Water Lily Nymphs         

2.  Wisteria Foot Bridge       

3.  Golden Tones                   

4.  Splendid Irises                  

5.  Water Garden                    

6.  Spring Impressions           

7.  Enchanted Garden Path     

8.  Field of Flowers          

9.  Pond Reflections              

10.  Cascading Willows       

11.  Play of Light  

12.  Evening in Giverny  

Exquisite music of flute, harp, and singing bowls reflects the pristine beauty of the magnificent gardens of impressionist painter Claude Monet. As inspiration for the album, Dean and Dudley visited Giverny, France making field recordings and capturing on video the beauty of spring in all its glory. The sacred mood created makes the album ideal background music for relaxation, meditation, yoga, and quiet time. 

Dean Evenson: Silver & Cedar Flutes, Keyboards, Field Recordings
Dudley Evenson: Harp, Hand Harp, Singing Bowls, Chimes
Contains Earth Resonance Frequency for deeper relaxation and a heightened state of peacefulness.


Dean Evenson


Dean Evenson is one of the true visionaries of the Ambient/New Age musical genre.  He is a prolific musician and composer, an entrepreneur, media pioneer and the co-founder of Billboard-charting independent music label, Soundings of the Planet. At every turn, Evenson’s life has taken bold steps in new and exciting directions. The success and pioneering nature of his creative work attest to a dynamic personality and a life-long commitment to the positive evolution of life on this planet in relationship with the natural and spiritual world. Evenson’s story is that of an artist, technological innovator, broad-minded thinker–a modern-day Renaissance man.

In the '70s, Evenson and his wife Dudley traveled across the country with early portable video equipment to document "the awakening consciousness as it was manifesting in people's lives." The couple eventually settled in Tucson, Arizona, and built a small empire with their Soundings of the Planet record company. Their stated purpose was to help people "experience the healing energies of music and natural sounds and get in touch with a more peaceful place inside themselves." Soundings of the Planet was amazing successful in creating and distributing recordings that communicated this goal. Evenson produced many of the label's artists.

Beginning in 1986, Evenson recorded albums of his own that combine natural sounds with his softly flowing flute melodies and various other acoustic and electronic instruments. These records appeared annually on Soundings of the Planet, and he'd sometimes record duet albums with his wife Dudley, Scott Huckabay, Walter Makichen, and other similarly minded artists.

Dudley Evenson


Dudley Evenson co-founded Soundings of the Planet in 1979 with her husband Dean Evenson. Together, they have produced over 80 albums and videos. She has been the Executive Producer, art director and copy writer for all of the Soundings releases in addition to performing her harp and doing guided meditations on many albums. Dudley is a certified professional life coach and has trained with Impact Coaching Academy. She plays harp and zither with intuition and feeling and uses her voice as a complementary instrument. She also does guided affirmations and visualizations albums and has shared her music and guided meditations presenting live before such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, Don Miguel Ruiz and others. She has produced numerous concerts, tours, and events, including the Festival of the Creative Spirit, an insightful eight-day gathering in Tucson, which brought together many art forms, ritual, and ceremony. She coordinated the Soundings of the Planet planetarium series, utilizing the special effects and laser imagery of the sky dome, along with music, dance, slides and poetic readings.

Dudley is also an environmental activist in her community and has spearheaded the Interurban Neighbors group for which she and Dean produced several videos, newsletters and community events aimed at saving a local urban forest and its wetlands from development.  This ‘100 Acre Wood’ was officially ‘saved’ in 2013 after 23 years of community work. She is currently working on a creative water fountain project in Bellingham called Whatcom Water Stations to supply clean drinking water for free.

Dudley and Dean have been together since 1968 and have three children: Cristen, Sarah and Elijah and one granddaughter Cybele.

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